Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Do Nothing Mode

Reality of my life is if I don't plan it, it doesn't happen. I have mastered the art of TV sucking my day away. Worse yet is when I dare to open a book...24 hours later I close it for the first time. I've never been a "bored" kind of person. I can happily "do nothing" with the best of them. This quality has its perks for sure but can also wreak havoc on my life. When I enter sustained periods of "Do Nothing Mode" my house falls apart and my exercise routine disintegrates. To combat this I developed a simple, probably inadequate by many people's standards, monthly cleaning calendar. It is easy enough that I can keep up with it and thorough enough that my house always looks cared for if not perfectly clean. 

When I originally created it I had visions of my husband and I sharing the chore load; visions which quickly disintegrated. Turns out my husband’s standard for "clean" is a lot different than mine. Dusting downstairs, to him, means wipe the top level of the coffee table only. How he could neglect to dust say the bottom level of the coffee table, or the TV and TV console, or hey maybe like the six other occasional tables in the room is beyond me but it ultimately led to a decision that I do ALL the inside chores and he does Most of the outside ones. Things are definitely a little skewed but it keeps the peace so I'm happy. 

Anyways, if you are struggling too, I highly suggest this calendar. It has done wonders for my home!!


  1. I love your blog and I Can 'hear' you as I read it. I think I'm going to borrow your pretty excel chart, as we can always use help in the cleaning department. T is on the same page as M--why dust, or what's the problem with leaving the dishes in the sink? :)

    1. Thanks Natalie you are so sweet!! I wish my excel chart was as pretty as the one above but sadly it's not :-( I had to use photoshop on the one above. I hope you guys are doing well and we should definitely get together soon!

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